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Matthew Grant & Robin Merttens


Podcast 25. Chatting about AI, Algorithms and Psychographics in insurance

We’re hearing a lot about AI, but what about the critical building blocks, the algorithms, that insurers are starting to rely on to make decisions in underwriting and claims assessment without human intervention? Is the industry ready to delegate underwriting to machines?

Matthew Grant and Robin Merttens, your hosts for the Instech London podcasts and our monthly evening events, chat about the issues facing insurers and the companies that build the algorithms for them as a preview to our next event on 3rd June. Robin reveals what he has learnt about psychographics and Matthew asks for some ideas for speakers for a refreshingly different future innovation event.

Listen here to the InsTech London Podcast. It is also available on iTunes, Spotify, and Podbean.

We’ve now over 3,000 members and support from 80 companies, making Instech London the biggest community of innovators in insurance providing a deep network of advice, partners and support. 

Registration for 3rd June opens on 30th April at www.instech.london

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